The word love is not so uncommon to us,from parents,siblings,best friends,we have all loved them to certain degrees,but the one different from all these is the“magical Love”.

Yes,the‘dopamine peak’which hits from sixteen to sixty!The feeling with much  more  adornment, intensity and complexity.

As explained by Kartick in VTV.

Love is a feeling which integrates physical,  and physiological changes. 

“You will be high in the pseudo world of euphoria.”


When  your crush or the love of your life passes by, the following signs are seen in the initial stages:

❤️Pupils dilate.
❤️Limbic system is perplexed with their eyes.
❤️Fluttering(or butterflies)in stomach
❤️Rushing of blood in the vessels making you blush!

The symptoms are:

❤️Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder(ADHD)
❤️OCD-Obsessive Compulsive disorder
❤️Inxtreme one-sided lovers, Erotomania
❤️Mania and Schizophrenia,in extreme cases.

Finally after ages,GVM conveyed in ENPT:

❤️Not all love attain success,so when there is a heartbreak,
❤️Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy–paralysis of left ventricle causing the pain.
❤️Bipolar in serious cases,be careful!But fora change many become achievers!


Hormonal actions:

🖤 Testosterone.
🖤 Vasopressin.

When it comes  to‘love’,we think of heart,but even the brain falls in this trap:

💚Hippocampus–Anterior cingulate, medial insula are responsible for the flattering emotions and feelings.
💚Amygdala-fear and stress
💚Pituitary gland–regulates hormones
💚Hypothalamus–produces dopamine,oxytocin, vasopressin.

Just like Surya felt:


1.Crush zone–Attraction stage–you will feel butterflies flying and heart thumping. The interest and curiosity develop here.
Dopamine,Norepinephrine, Serotonin are involved.

2.Friendly zone-the closeness blooms and eventually turns into commitment .This is due to oxytocin and vasopressin.

3.Commitment zone–Here the partnership evolves, understanding builds and an irresistible bond has been formed.
This is due to testosterone,estrogen and oxytocin. The serotonin level has fallen down,but the dopamine is  still in peak.


Hypothalamus: Dopamine causes feelings of ecstasy and excitement.

Dopamine level increases and serotonin decreases as in OCD

The persons mood and appetite decreases~~loss of appetite and mood instabilities.

Dopamine and nerve growth factors(NGF) are stimulated. NGF are found more in the new couples than the long-term ones,increasing the intensity of the feelings.

Feeling of connection and attachment by oxytocin and vasopressin.The presence of these hormones is attributed as one of the causes of long-term relationships.
These HORMONES stimulate the parts of brain center. 
 Amygdala deactivates~~Judgmental quality diminishes,
Reduces stress,increases happiness and unity among the partners.

From teenager’s point of view:

Break up can occur for articles too!!!
Stay tuned for patch up!!!