YEP, a war but not in the war field but in the womb. We know how difficult for a mother it is  to give birth .

Taking about war , for every human the struggle for life starts from here, from birth , the baby strives hard to come out of the womb to enter the world. AS such the mother puts her whole strength in this war to bring the baby out .

The best part of the war is always the aftermath. Here aftermath is the baby sharing it’s first moments with mom. I just wanted to share the feelings of the new born babies and their first meetings with their mom.

Nobody can tell you how a mom feels when she meets her baby for the first time, simply because no one knows. When she touches her baby for the first time, a spark in her eyes, and all those screaming, cries and pain ,turns to a very big smile. The first feeling a mom can get is that she feels responsible . First cuddles

At the time of mom holding her baby “SKIN-TO-SKIN CONTACT “ the first touch and the cuddles is priceless and a very special moment with the baby . For the baby , it’s the first time hearing the mom’s voice, feel the heartbeat , body warmth and the smell of skin making them recognize their mom for the first time .

For every mom the weirdest thought ever would be “ Have I became a momma?“ 


“Having a baby gives you a mixed bag of emotions,” says a mom. For a mom it will be a confusing time as many things are going around in her thoughts. You can control all the emotions but when being a mom for the first time the emotions can’t be controlled as you hold your baby.

“First ever gift god has given you in a lifetime is the copy of yourself”. 


By now moms would have probably realized that giving birth isn’t like it is in the movies. In the same way, your baby doesn’t pop out looking all perfect and perky. Your baby may look a little bruised or blemished and he’ll be covered in a creamy-white vernix and smear. His head looks bigger than normal. When she sees her baby like that , she feels a sudden rush of fear through her whole body . Then she realizes it's normal


Doctor will automatically assess the baby as soon as he or she is born, and when the child is one minute old he’ll be given a score out of 10 for his wellbeing. This test is called the Apgar and it’s repeated again after five minutes.

Baby will also be weighed and measured and given a thorough examination for any problems or abnormalities. This includes checks on reflexes, heart and breathing, the spine, hips, limbs, genitalia, anus, head, neck, mouth, ears, eyes and nose. While these examinations are held , mom on the other hand will be going through a lot of pain from stitches. Though she has pain, her thoughts will always be around the baby to know whether her baby is alright or not.


In 1968, the  duration of a hospital stay of mother and child  after birth was 10 days. It’s now two to 12 hours. But exactly when you get to go home depends on what kind of delivery you’ve had. After the hospital stay for sometime it’s time to go home and the new member is arriving. The baby for a long time feels the sunlight on her skin and at that moment mom feels insecure and holds the baby very close to her. These moments in life are valuable and irreplaceable.


When you get home, it’s a case of seeing what happens. It sounds a bit scary, but actually you’ll find the baby will probably sleep a lot, so mom will be able to get some rest too. Home is just filled with all types of noises and is blissful .


Mom will feel a kind of relaxation and another little copy of hers will be sleeping in between. Both the parents feel a kind of responsibility and a big sigh is left after a war that has happened for the baby to get into this world..

Motherhood is always a astounding feeling ever “. 

These were the feeling felt by my mom when I was born.
Not only my mom but all the moms would have experienced the same feeling.
Because it is not your mom or my mom, it is always mom . She will protect every child as her own ones.
So please respect mom and never hurt her at any cost, she is the one who gave u life by sacrificing hers ……

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