THE QUARAN-TIME

Life was totally different four months ago. We all lived the hustle-bustle life, amidst adrenaline rush and frustrating push that all of us accepted and felt that it should go this way. It was just after the “lockdown 1.0” was imposed, when some of us either got strangled in homes or got deserted away from our families, all of us felt the need for ‘living’ rather than ‘making a living’.

An idle mind may be a devil’s workshop back then, now it’s an antique workshop.

Yes!! All of us deviated from our sophisticated modern lives to our old family days, Isn’t it??


 Being a totally new situation, none of us initially accepted it. But as days passed by life became so used to the situation that most of us felt that it was what we needed.

The long tea time chit chats with our family to binge watching all our favorite shows, we all had different time slayers. But the real task put forth was to deal with the pressure outside and inside.

But did we realize that this was the time where we could all develop ourselves??

So that’s when I dived into the pool of self-love.

Oh yeah!!!!You heard it right!!! Self-love, but not
narcissism of course!!!

When YOU start loving yourself, you just enter into this whole new different world. Everything seems beautiful,everything seems loving and everything is lovable.

Self-love manifests so much positivity indeed!!!

Few steps in practicing Self-love:

1. Forgive yourself, oh yeah, you might have committed mistakes, you might have spelt out wrong stuffs, but remember that “to err is human”.

2.Embrace your own body, no matter, you are thin or chubby or too fair or too dark or too clumsy or too goofy or too nerdy or whatever, you are all UNIQUE and beautiful in your own way!!

3.Life will be much easier, if you make it simple. Yes,take things simply and don’t take everything to the heart.

4. You are your biggest strength and support! So, stay happy and strong always.

5. You can do anything and everything. Be it time restraining planks or chatpata to not-so-perfect paani-puris, you can master anything!!

6.Believe that love is all around you. Love can be found everywhere! Feed your aura some positivity and love always.

7. Get in touch with positive people and most importantly with nature. Nature is the biggest and greatest healer of all.

8. Speak nice to everyone around you and accept them,the way they are. When you stop seeing the flaws in others, you develop a lot of greater inner peace.

9. Develop a schedule or a To-do-list and jot down whatever you want to do, may it be your long-forgotten hobby or new survival cooking you can ace in anything if you have a clear plan.

10. Last but not the least, meditate and work on your body. A healthy body leads to a beautiful mind. Drink enough water, have a sound sleep, have a good appetite and if possible, exercise. And Ta-dd-aaaaaa!! You have already started spreading your vibes!!!!

Do remember, when you start loving yourself, you spread so much positive vibes and eventually people will start craving for your vibes, that’s when you know your zeal and great inner potential. Your happiness is all that matters. Do you know that happiness is also an addiction indeed, which doesn’t require a de-addiction center?!!

Stay happy, sassy and classy folks!!!!

Stay motivated! The best is yet to come!! 

Good days are awaiting dears.

And a small request folks, in these hard times, we definitely have to lend our helping hands, so go forth and do even a little that can bring a smile on others.


  1. Awesome dr. Quarantine days felt reality of life.

  2. Wonderful thoughts. Yes, I learn to be grateful and appreciative of what I have than what I don't.
    Your personality is the creator of your personal reality.

  3. Yeah dood... Well said

  4. Great post... So much positivity
