Everybody pack your bags , we are leaving the earth

 Most of us could have thought of this atleast once in our life, "I am going to be an astronaut one-day, just to get out of the sphere we are limited by . But becoming an astronaut is not the only way you could make a visit to space. One day a wise man named his new born son “X Æ A-Xii “ , sounds like a computer code. Anyone could think that this man is definitely a crap. But this guy came up with an idea to get us out of the earth .


        Most of us won’t be aware of the name Space X . If you are one among them ,this is the right time to know about it . A man named Elon Musk came up with the idea of opening a space company capable of competing with the NASA. Everyone laughed at this man’s idea of opening a private space company until he became the owner of the first private space company to set its satellite in the orbit. That’s the moment everyone wondered about this man make wonders with his  Space X .


The main idea of re-usable rockets bloomed in Musk's mind just to save some budget ,but this paved the way for the possibility of landing the rockets almost anywhere in the surface of other planets. Building a rocket does not only require hard work, but what really matters is the cost . NASA estimates that it would take around 300 million American dollars to build a single rocket. But is the cost worth it? After being launched these space vehicles undergoes varies staging during which each part of the rockets are either thrown into oceans or blast in the outerspace to become space junks and just one fifth of the whole rocket enters the space. All those money to build the boosters and other stuffs just vanishes in seconds after its blast. This made Musk to think if these boosters can be re-usable.  With these re-usable and some other alterations Space X rockets comes up with the budget of 60- 100 million U.S dollars .


Musk came up with the idea of reusing the rockets to save some budget. But is it possible to bring back those rockets to the launching stations again? Musk came with the solution by doing some alterations to his rocket models which make them unique and re-usable. The central booster of these rockets contains 3 to 4 metal supporting panels which could possibly land the boosters. These metals panels are just for supporting the boosters but the real brain is present at the outer body of these rockets. Number of pressure releasing valves, like the ones the astronauts use in their space-suits to change their motions and directions, is present in these boosters. These pressure valves are assisted by a GPS  device which makes it possible to land the boosters in the exact landing site with maximum accuracy. The metal panels are built in a way which makes them land the rockets even on a floating ship in the rough ocean.


 The first consequence will be about how we are going to land our space vehicles and what if we need to get out of that planet immediately. With the modern re-usable booster from Space X these two consequences are avoided because these are landable and re-launchable. Second consequence will be the fuel, these rockets uses a cryo-frozen liquid injectable fuel making it efficient than the others. NASA and other space research organisations launchable vehicles comes with a pair of high powered booster while Space X relies on 9 mini boosters making it efficient in fuel consumption and in its  thrust towards the outer space. With the success of the FALCON 9 in 2018 Space X seems to be promising in colonising the Mars. Space X nearly reused is giant the FALCON-9  85 times without any malfunctions.


Space X in collaboration with ISS plans to build a space hotel in near future, so if any of you have a girlfriend with your pockets full, take her to space for a dinner. Building massive rockets to carry humans is not an easy job. Space X boosted their process of building the “Starship Mk1 spacecraft” after the success of its first human launch in space on May 28,202; 2.03 A.M IST from Pad 39a of  NASA  Kennedy space center.


Other than Space X Musk also owns “TESLA” whose cars are known for their style. Musk not only modifies the rockets of his company but also the heavy weighing space suits. The space suits designed in Space X are way much lighter than the spacesuits ever invented and it is more fashionable.This relieves us from bearing a lot of additional weight.


If Space X succeeds in its idea carrying large human loads to space we could colonise other planets. Research on other planets and the universe is still a dream for many youngsters. Imagine a moment happening to all of  us like the one happened in  Nolan’s  “Interstellar”. With these advancements humans could reach other planets and also find other fellow living beings other than us in this vast universe .So humans could colonise other planets and start destroying them too. Technological advancements can build a strong pathway for our future but its not only about  discovering new planets ,it’s also depends on  how we are protecting the existing one too.

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