Phase-II of   POWER 
Since "ether" is a medium, it isn't available for visual representation. So I am unable to add images.  
Therefore the presence of a substance called ‘ether’ was proposed. Light waves need to tour via the ether as sound waves tour through air, and their speed need to consequently be relative to the ether.   
Different observers, shifting relative to the ether, would see mild coming towards them at distinct speeds, however light's pace relative to the ether would continue to be fixed. In particular, as the earth was once moving via the ether on its orbit around the sun, the pace of light measured in the path of the earth's action via the ether (when we were shifting towards the source of the light) ought to be higher than the speed of light at proper angles to that motion (when we are no longer shifting toward the source).  
 In 1887,Albert Michelson (who later grew to become the first American to get hold of the Nobel Prize for physics) and Edward Morley carried out a very careful scan.  
They compared the velocity of light in the direction of the earth's movement with that at right angles to the earth's motion.  
To their brilliant surprise, they determined they had been precisely the same!  
Between 1887 and 1905 there had been a number of attempts, most enormously by means of the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz, to give an explanation for the result of the Michelson-Morley experiment in phrases of objects contracting and clocks slowing down when they moved via the ether.   
However, in a famous paper in 1905, a clerk known by the name, Albert Einstein, pointed out the futility of the complete thought of ether providing one was willing to abandon the concept of absolute time.   

A similar factor used to be made a few weeks later by means of a main French mathematician, Henri Poincare. Einstein’s arguments were closer to physics than these of Poincare, who considered this hassle as mathematical.   
Einstein is commonly given the credit score for the new theory, however Poincare is remembered by having his title connected to an necessary part of it.  
The crucial postulate of the idea of relativity, as it used to be called, was that the legal guidelines of science have to be the identical for all freely transferring observers, no rely what their speed.  
 This used to be authentic for Newton’s legal guidelines of motion, but now the thinking was once extended to include Maxwell’s principle and the speed of light: all observers ought to measure the identical velocity of light, no be counted how speedy they are moving.   

This easy notion has some magnificent consequences. Perhaps the pleasant acknowledged are the equivalence of mass and energy, summed up in Einstein’s famous equation E=mc2 (where E is energy, m is mass, and c is the pace of light), and the law that nothing might also tour quicker than the pace of light.   
Because of the equivalence of energy and mass, the strength which an object has due to its movement will increase its mass. In other words, it will make it difficult to enlarge its speed.  
 This impact is solely definitely sizeable for objects moving at speeds shut to the speed of light.  
 For example, at 10 percentage of the velocity of light an object’s mass is only 0.5 percentage more than normal, while at 90 percent of the speed of mild it would be more than twice its everyday mass.  
 As an object methods the speed of light, its mass rises ever greater quickly, so it takes extra and more energy to velocity it up further. It can in reality never attain the speed of light, because by means of then its mass would have come to be infinite, and through the equivalence of mass and energy, it would have taken an countless amount of strength to get it there.   
For this reason, any ordinary object is perpetually restrained by way of relativity to move at speeds slower than the speed of light.   
Only light, or different waves that have no intrinsic mass, can pass at the speed of light.  
An equally fantastic outcome of relativity is the way it has revolutionized our ideas of space and time.   
In Newton’s theory, if a pulse of mild is despatched from one area to another, exclusive observers would agree on the  
Time that the journey took (since time is absolute), however will now not continually agree on how far the light traveled (since area is not absolute). Because the speed of the light is just the distance  divided by the time it has taken, exclusive observers would end up getting different figures for the speed of light. In relativity, on the other hand, all observers have to agree on how quickly light travels. They still, however, do now not agree on the distance the mild has traveled, so they must therefore now additionally disagree over the time it has taken. (The time taken is the distance the mild has traveled — which the observers do now not agree on — divided by the light’s pace — which they do agree on.)  
In different words, the idea of relativity put a stop to the questioning of absolute time! It appeared that each and every observer has his very very own measure of time, as recorded through way of a clock carried with him, and that identical clocks carried through unique observers would no longer always agree.  
Each observer ought to use radar to say the location and when a tournament took vicinity by using sending out a pulse of light or radio waves. Part of the pulse is mirrored again to the event and the observer measures the time at which he receives the echo.   
The event should have happened at that point of time that is exactly halfway between when the pulse was once despatched and the time when the reflection used to be acquired back: the distance of the match is half the time taken for this spherical trip, accelerated via the velocity of light. (An event, in this sense, is some thing that takes place at a single thing in space, at a particular component in time.)   
This thought is confirmed here, which is an example of a space-time diagram.

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