It took me around 6-8 weeks to reach you in a very happy way you love. Cut across my bones into small chunks just like the little tots like, I was marinated with your favorite ginger-garlic paste, chili powder and all the spices that bring you to the kitchen stove-top once in a while. Meanwhile you prepared your yummy flavored rice, for four hours I rested with all your masalas in a cool-edged room. Nice, hot and spicy flavored rice with the perfect consistency and the delightful flavors of cinnamon, bay leaves and cloves called me off after my refrigeration quarantine. Nice that we were put together with some curd to add some love between us within the cooker. Usshhhh!!! Usshhhh!!! - sang the pressure monster! And you ran to off the stove  top just like your mamma instructed to. Opened the lid, and just  before you could sight it, your salivary glands were on their peak of action, there comes the best of the yummy stuff your tummy was waiting for - THE ALL TIME FAVOURITE - BIRYANI!

Only love, no hatred!!

BIRYANI - A single word that has all our heart within. One word that has no hatred anywhere in the universe. No other single Indian food has got such a huge fan-base. Every single sapling has their own biryani story. From the 5-year old who learns to read for the first-time to that grandpa who adjusts his spectacles for the words on the menu, everything we search for is JUST biryani. We have not just one type, but an endless list of varieties. Hyderabadi biryani, Malabar biryani, Thalassery, Ambur, Dindugul and what not! And that makes our choice tougher each time.  Your mouth is watering already, isn't it? So, if you are a die-hard fan of this exotic dish, take this blog to be a treat to your quarantine-stressed mind and taste buds which are now waiting to ask Mamma about the next biryani schedule for the week.

From Persia to enchant your taste buds

Like everything has its origin and history, so did your favorite too. Of course an INDIAN dish you say? No, you are wrong this time. Though this is considered an Indian exotic, this is not an Indian indigenous dish. The yummy dish originated in Persia and according to some was reframed by Mumtaz who made it quite often to feed her undernourished workers and some give the credit to Taimur, Turk-Mongol conqueror. Now, there are more than 20 types of biryani and most of them belonging to INDIA. The classification and sub-classification is based upon the metallurgy of the utensil with which it is cooked. From traditional earthen-pots to modern stove-tops, the evolution of THE BIRYANI has seen a lot. Not just the metal, but also the style of cooking has changed the taste and flavor the dish. The NORMAL chicken biryani being cooked by separately frying the chicken or near and then adding rice has now been recently replaced with a healthier option of cooking them all under the same pot, and hence, reducing the consumption of oil! TRY THE DUM BIRYANI - If you are constantly hogging onto biryani!

Biryani is BAE

Throughout the week, we are all so busy with our work and study schedule, that heartbreaks are quite often - from fights between friends till breakups or maybe family struggles. Everything has put us under so much pressure and strain. Swiggy delivery boy must have now known our order before we even place it. That's how many times we have clicked for BIRYANI on the menu card. Whatever may it be, we are all craving for our Matha jii's best! But, do you remember that insight of all us gathering under one roof to sit down to have our very favorite momma-cooked delight? Any other dish always had atleast few grains of rice in the vessel, but never this! So, the next time don't crave for momma's biryani, try making it yourself.

Learn Biryani making with a makeup tutorial!

Though biryani has got its hype just as it, many young wives and husbands struggle to make it at home. Let's make it simple (or maybe even more complex too!).

1     .1.What is the first thing you do before you paint your face for a gorgeous outcome? - STEAM! YES,  that's exactly what we should do first for our yummy meal. Steam the rice.
2      2.What’s the next special thing that coats your face for the party?    PRIMER! Exactly what is our next step for the biryani? PREPARATION. Prepare the marination and coat your juicy chunks of chicken or paneer and allow them to stay in the fridge for four hours. Fry them up to add more spice. Don't forget the cashew paste, as it is the highlighter to the prepped up face. 
1.      3.What's next in line? - The best part! RED MAC LIPSTICK. MAC = MIX. Mix the fried chunks with the steamed rice in a cooker. Add some lipgloss! - haha, yeah! - I meant, and some shiny shiny ghee to make it more appetizing.
2.    4.  Last in queue - add the makeup setter or maybe a serum too! - wear your favorite gown and get ready to partyyyy! But what about the biryani? Take them all off the pressure cooker and serve them with some buttermilk to add some spice to your beautiful lunch. 

So, dear makeup lovers, here was how simple this dish could be made made on your stove-top, right in your kitchen, just like you do your own makeup for the best of events. To that hostel-wala girl who owns a bag full of makeup products and gets called up once in a while, remember that's not your PRIMER - it's CHICKEN PREP TIME!  So, for that hostle-wala make up lover who loves to get dolled up for every other occasion, DEAREST DEARIE! You are not just a master in the world of makeup, you could be a great chef too! - IN FACT, you are already one. Follow these tricks and tips with your favorite makeup product in highlight. 

Maybe some magic is just too necessary!
A 20-year old girl, maybe 21 today, a girl of charm, great hospitality, a girl named SMRITHI! - a girl who loves makeup, biryani and the most perfect PURPLE. A color of warmth and blessing, a color that enlightens our mood for the rest of day.  She did all her preps, dolled up for the party in a beautiful purple gown, just like that purple princess. Wait, wait , wait - and she waits for her surprise. And there it is A BIRYANI CAKE! What could be a better surprise, than a purple colored biryani with all the rich flavors and aroma that steals the entire room on the day of the celebration? What could make the day better? - she thought in her four walled skull. Her beautiful friends of course, a day filled with surprises lots of make and the most blessed and lovable BIRYANI. Who would not want such an exciting and lovable day? – ISN’T IT? A day of love and blessings could be any day we have our tummy filled with the most enchanting BIRYANI. Have it now, then and always! 


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