The Red Army

Many late teens and early millennials would be knowing these phrases like

# auntie flow
# the bloody mary
# shark week

Yes ! It's about the ‘monthly menstrual’.

Its customary that girls bleed from the age 15 to the age 45.

Beyond the matter of fact there are certain issues that would surround the ‘women empowerment’ and ‘developing india’.

We  would rather say that all these issues comes under one screen called “menstrual hygiene management”


It is the common avail needed by the  young girls and women for birthing a blood diamond.

That keeps in account the proper sanitary products , private space for disposal and a few pamperings at times.

According to the statistics obtained from NDTV

There are 355 million women menstruating in India of which only 42.6 million are using proper sanitary napkins for disposal.

That is, it is only 12% of the whole relevant population.

Many girls regret going to institutions to avoid weary situations.

Let us see the reason for the above phrase;)


Many bygone years , if a girl had attended her puberty she is celebrated like an asteroid. Different parts of South India celebrate it in different names.Like
           Manjal Neraattu Vizha – Tamil Nadu
          Pedhamanishi Pandega – Andhra Pradesh
         Half saree function- current Bengaluru

Names might be different but the standard things done are ,she is bathed in turmeric water and dolled up like a princess in a Wonder land.

The normal customary act which every girl went through was

~ She is not allowed to enter her home , she is moved to the backyard.
~She is isolated from others, some times the girls are left near a dense forest miles away from the village and once she is done with her menses she could return.
~She is given separate plates,separate food and myriad used clothes as napkins.
~She must not be touched during those days else that would be a so called ‘theetu’.

TO BE NOTED: It is easier for the spread of human papilloma virus by using the clothes many times.


In this present day a normal person starting his day with ‘Hello FM!! Idhu 106.4’ and ending his day with ‘ Ithudan vilayatu seidigal mudivadaidhana’.
Where everything has become digitalised than through any sort of human touch.
It would be quite impractical for a girl to be isolated for 3-5 days in  separate area. We don’t have that much space as we Indians have 382 people per square metre.
 It would be averse to the conduct norms in a horde.
Women have been excelling in many fields. It is now easier to avail themselves of use and throw napkins rather than scruffy clothes.


A large number of industries have come for a large scale production of napkins.

Later, in the upcoming years people have discovered that the napkin industries have been making money through these years by targeting at a particular segment. We can see that in the earlier statistics.


~ Over usage of pads cause allergies to girls.
~Premenstrual syndrome are noted with the symptoms of menstrual cramps, muscle pain and back pain etc.
~Bacterial vaginosis is caught sight of with vaginal burning,aberrant vaginal discharge.
~Cervical cancer is sought in some cases.
~Contact dermatitis is followed by skin rashes, skin redness and itching.


One possible way is bringing down the prices of the sanitary napkins.
But the best option is the production of organic cloth pads
   ~ It can be used for a whole day without the consciousness of changing
       them at regular intervals.
    ~ It is chemical free.
    ~It is just the same scruffy cloth with some frills in it.

From this we could rather say that hygiene menses is some customary menses with some practices unescorted.

But menstrual hygiene management doesn’t stop within these
 It has got a broader view


# Many people around the world still consider that enunciating on this as a taboo.

# 70% of women in India still consider that girls on that hour are dirty or impure.

#Some areas in middle of nowhere girls use soil and ashes to make  up with their periods.

# Lack of awareness:  teens get educated  about reproduction and sex but are failed to literate on menstrual hygiene management – which is the need of the hour.

# Girls half the age of silver jubilee (who are just a beginner to the new normal) are bullied and got into embarrassment when the holy red pulp portrays on their kosher clothes.


# Girls and boys need to know the significance of the management ,as this may lead  to healthy harmony

# Sexist remarks to be subdued for better women participation in the society.

# Safer usage of tampons and menstrual cups as it may also have some side effects.

# Organic cloth pads are the best because of its symbiosis of being eco-friendly and user-friendly to the buyer.


#Avoidance of urinary tract infections (common in females) by following wholesome practices.

# If casteism and racism is an ultimatum to our country even this subject matter joins the list.

# This is also a prerequisite for a developing country like India.

# At the end balancing of the old religious practices with fast growing world is needed for healthy and happy menses.      


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