So what is meant by togetherness?
We all will be wondering why is it so different to be alone and why it is not when being together ? We all have heard that unity is strength. Of course, it is true to its every word. So what does this togetherness or unity brings us? Lets take a brief look into it.

Togetherness is the reason for brotherhood, community and coexistence of the care that is towards the other people. Some of the people here are introvert by nature, so they prefer to be alone. They are not interactive with the others and they don’t want to indulge in relationships. It's okay to be alone at times where loneliness gives us time to reflect on ourselves and to allow our mind to rest and

But too much time alone or lack of social connections can be detrimental to our mental health and consequently, physical health.

 Being together is an important aspect in life as it unites us, gives security , much needed support and a sense of belonging.

Being alone doesn't teach many of the life skills, for example sharing, adjusting with others and so on. So being together makes us a perfect individual and teaches us the importance of coexisting with all the people, life and nature that surround us!!

Unity means being together, It is standing together in thick and thin.

For a man, being a social animal, it is important for him to stay united with this fellow beings in order to lead a peaceful and fulfilling life.

So where does this togetherness starts?

It starts from you to your family to your community to your state to your country and to the world.

Nowadays we are not living as our ancestors lived. We, in this generation only focus on money and power and not being together.

Nowadays the families are drifting apart and your thoughts are secluded and self- focused .

Family is strength and here it teaches the value of being together and the importance of relationships and love and care towards their

Does this togetherness have an importance now, in this period where the world is facing a threat of a deadly virus?

Yes ,of course .

Let me explain about this.

If we are not staying home or don't quarantine ourselves and move around freely even when the whole world in under lockdown we are
not only spreading disease, but we might acquire also, putting us, our loved ones, and community under risk !

We as a whole should have only one motive ; not only to safegaurd ourselves but also our community from this deadly virus.

So, everytime together doesn't mean to be physically together, it can be your thoughts that synchronize, too. If this happens ,you being at home , doctors treating the patients , police and other workers doing their job to protect everyone, all in union, stand against the common enemy !

In this period, people are all alone, very much deprived of the social interactions that they used to have at their workplaces, So, don’t fail to take small efforts to talk to them, smile and laugh together, bursting away both your days of stress.

I wanted to tell everyone that in this crucial period of the world facing many problems, we are all the children of one mother - Mother earth, and we should overcome difficult times and this can be achieved only when we stand together and face the problems on board and the problems that are emerging.

Here if only a single person wants to change for good, there will never be a change but if we all as a whole progress towards the change, and if it is for the betterment our family , our country and our world, there will be a significant progress and everything will be fine and the life on this planet will be full of unity, love and affection.So let us make the world better together.

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