Human trashes are left over landfills whose dumping cannot be stopped unless everyone understands its harmful effects, but leaving trash in outer space is completely a different story. Unlike Earth there is no gravity in space to hold the debris.

 They hoped to bring it down into the Indian Ocean but in vain. There were many difficulties to predict the direction of a falling object from space. This brings in the question ‘’What about space junk when it enters Earth?’’

 Humans have been leaving trash in outer space since 1957.NASA estimates potentially millions of pieces of trash (ranging from from space ship sized to tooth brush sized matter) are floating in low earth orbit at 18,000mph speed.
Even tiny flecks of paints (1-10cm objects) have become so dangerous that they cause cracks in the windshields of space shuttles, satellites and even rockets because of the high speed (5miles/sec) at which object come and collide. This was one of the helpless difficulties faced by space scientists and astronauts.

 In 1979,once NASA said that debris would hit the lands of US and has the chance of humans getting crushed. Fortunately, this didn’t occur. The practice of tracking and predicting time of fall of debris in any land is still hard to predict.

Currently more than 2 million pieces between 1cm to 10cm are floating around which may re-enter the Earth’s orbit. This depends on the object’s intensity, velocity and altitude.

 In 1997 January, LOTTIE WILLIAMS , a 40 year old woman was strolling in a park and was hit by a small object falling from the sky in her right shoulder and resulted in a permanent fracture which could not be fixed. A while later scientist found that was space junk which had entered Earth’s gravitational field. In the same year in Turkey a woman had been hit on her head by a little weight piece of charred woven material falling from sky and fortunately injury was not severe. In both cases the space junk is believed to be a piece of DELTA 2 BOOSTER, but was not proven.


After the international conference about the re-entry of space debris, researchers developed a cleanup system called OSCaR (obsolete spacecraft capture and removal), a semi-autonomous craft which would hunt down and deorbit the debris. It would do autonomously with little guidance from the ground. Later it created many technical issues and turned out to be a failed project.

Recently in June 20 ,2018 NanoRacks - remove debris satellite was successfully deployed to capture nano satellites that stimulate the debris. Thus, removal of largest debris significantly reduces the
chance of the collision.

 It’s no longer just enough to think  about how trash impacts our researchers on  earth anytime, anywhere, anyone, its unpredictable. Now we need to start solving  dangerous issues beyond our atmosphere…


The PREDICTION regarding space debris are, in 2009 European air and space conference, University of Southampton research hugge Lewis predicted that space debris will raise 50% next decade and quadruple next decade.

 National oceanic and atmosphere administration,an average 200 -400 space debris have the chances of re-enter the earth.


 The LIDAR is a 3D model device which is used to scan the far most object beyond ozone layer.This is helpful for astronauts for tracking the space debris.

Not alone in Earth but also CAR'S in space!!!!!!


On February 6th, 2018, the first car was launched into the space through SpaceX (his own rocket product of Tesla car)and the man in car nicknamed as starman.

"Starman and his space Tesla (race car) have sent their last selfie from Earth orbi", Elon Musk announced. The car and its mannequin driver (man like you wearing spacesuit working in SpaceX ) launched by the Falcon Heavy rocket will eventually escape the Earth's orbit and travel outwards through the solar system

Elon Musk posted the 'last pic' of Starman.. Though it’s such a nice frame that one suspects it’s probably the best of its last final minutes.

Musk prepared us all for the shutdown of the streaming of the experiment. He sarcastically said that the object would float in space for millions of years and that an alien would find it some day.

Some people called it just a move to promote his company but Musk denied their views and affirmed that it was done just in the spirit of fun and also said that he liked the absurdity in the activity.

Starman and the car will soon enter the orbit of Mars and then the asteroid belt where it most likely would be smashed to pieces but a change in its trajectory could save it from death by smashing.


 NOT LONG AFTER ELON MUSK’S rocket company SpaceX launched a bright red Tesla Roadster into orbit, NASA added the car to a select list of man-made celestial objects whose position can be tracked in space.Right now, says Gianluca Masi, an astrophysicist with the Virtual Telescope Project, you need a telescope of six-inches or larger to image the car. But since it’s speeding away into space, a month from now, you’d need a much larger scope, of at least 16 inches.


The scientist have predicted that the roadster will re-enter the earth in 2091….

Like other celestial bodies the roadster will  stay in the sky , raising daily

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