Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining – An Insight Into Depression.

We all are living in a beautiful and amazing world. But for some, this world is full of darkness. Mental health problems seem to be way too harder than physical pain.

Have you ever thought why?

Why people are so frightened or ashamed to tell that I’m suffering from mental illness or I need support? Is being mentally ill such a crime? Or has this so called society been programmed in such a way that being mentally ill is something awful and avoiding them when they need someone’s help the most?

As per survey April 7 , 2017 depression is the biggest cause of suicidal death among the age group of 15 to 29 year old individuals in southeast Asia.

Depression is a "mental disorder" which is not to be taken lightly.

Issues in the family, unemployment or loss of job, separation from the dear ones, exam pressure, fear about the future are some causes of depression which we hear at least once in a day – Still why people aren’t bothered?

LONELINESS” – It is the major cause.

Speak out your heart, take yourself far from the demonized useless emotion which will end in ruining your own life.

Most of us still aren’t aware about the difference between being stressed or sad or depressed. They think themselves that they are depressed which further leads to a state of depression.

We all must understand the fact that all our lives are integrated, it’s not like why would my life affect someone else? I’m the only person undergoing such hardships, everyone seems to be very happy. Why me? Why am I supposed to be in this situation? These thoughts not only destruct themselves but also other's lives.

On Feb 02 , 2012 Mumbai

A man who has been hospitalized developed depression because he had diabetes and killed his two children by strangling them with a rope and then took his own life by hanging himself with same rope.

This statement is from a guy who has all the fame and money and still suffered from depression.

You feel the true essence of things only when you get to experience and feel them yourself personally.

The law of happiness has nothing to do with external circumstances, only internal conditions.


You feel guilty  or ruthless everyday and lack of energy and tiredness.
You cant sleep properly or sleep too much
You always think about death or suicide
You lose your pleasure in life
You can't focus in  remembering details and making decision
Loss  of weight or gaining weight occurs

The most important part in which many of us fail to speak, most of us fail to understand – is about how to combat depression.


It's easy to ask someone not to be sad and give free advices and philosophies as if you are Socrates :)

Well, it doesn't happen in a day. You try, you take a hit, you fall down, you cry, you get up again. You get punched once again and you cry again. The only thing you have to understand is that you have to keep getting up, make sure you don't cry over the same punch ever again!

There is no one in the world other than you who would know you better. First you must have a self realization that why would I long for someone’s love when no one is around me? Isn’t my self love for myself sufficient? If you don’t love yourself, how can you think that someone else would love you more?

BE KIND TO YOURSELF. You deserve better. Only you can be yourself which itself is unique, strange yet awesome and cool.

Don't weaponize your past to manipulate your present. The future will indeed be confusing but that's okay! Life and it's existence is complicated.

First motivate yourself, take a shower, drink a glass of water, lie down in a dark room and close your eyes slowly. Notice the silence around you. Listen to the sound of your heartbeat. It is still beating. Still fighting. You made it. There is a another day. You are a warrior's. Nothing is impossible in this world.

Sachin Tendulkar failed in 10th examination, But  he didn’t lose his hope, He chased his dreams, Now he is a successful cricketer. Just imagine what would have happened if he had been depressed and thought about his failure and lost hope in him. We would have never got such a legend.

Always think positive. Don’t let the negative vibe to engulf you.


Don’t feel ashamed to speak up.

Life needn’t be so materialistic, you needn’t live your life for others.

Wake up with a beautiful smile.

Whenever you see someone so poor leading their lives in the platform, we used to think “how do they live happily?” but we miss to see that their happiness lies in their small world within their family, with their loved ones.

If we change the perspective in which we see this world, a lot changes around you.

Priorities matter as equal as humanity in the case of depression.

Being humane and kind to the one who spoke  their hearts out to us will save many lives.

Failure is always a pinch for success.

Depression is not the only way but the real audacity exists in fighting back the failure and holding the success which is not so far.

Direct all your Negative thoughts into Positive vibes – You sing, dance, write, read, travel do whatever you like.

“Every bad situation has some good aspect in it”

Remember one thing