The young minds of today are the future leaders of the world. What are the young minds of today doing? This is 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. India has been under lockdown for more than 60 days. The economy is crumbled. The streets are deserted. Schools and colleges are closed. As we all know there are people who can’t wait to go out and there are people are happily staying indoors.

In the beginning of the lockdown we were all so excited that there are no schools and colleges and we have got a long vacation. With this vacation mood we started this lockdown. Staying in home, eating and sleeping all day. In today’s world it is really awesome to sit with the entire family and dine with happiness. Thus lock down gave us an amazing opportunity for this .The first week was very easy to pass.

Then we come to know the reality that lockdown not only means we should stay indoors.  It is that we are not supposed to go out. It includes that we are not allowed to play on the streets, not being able to go shopping. Even grocery shopping is like a “Hunger games” run. And when the News flash goes like “many new cases, people are dying all around the world stay home and stay safe!” it really cripples and suffocates the young mind and soul. The word “lockdown, quarantine and social-distancing” they seem really new to us.

In India , we share a love –hate relation with our families , along with all these happy moments we experience a lot of sour moments .For most of the families the concept of private space is “alien”. We start missing the other family of ours-“the friends” all the weird ones, the loved ones, a part of us feel lonely without them. But it is truly a relief that we have got social media to chat with them all day long. Posting pics online and following weird quarantine trends. Playing video games all day.

As days passed we got  plenty of time and started giving time to the activities we earlier refused to do due to constrained time. It’s really good to find this new part of life. It’s like a movie leaving the regular life and following passion. Start where you are, use what you have and do what you do. With YouTube and tutorials we can be able to acquire new skills that we didn't even know existed in us. And started a new routine staying home, helping the family and we made ourselves get adapted to it. So much time left with us, we even take our textbooks and spend time with it. 

This is what most of the kids in our age group do being locked in their homes during this pandemic. What about the people with no houses? The kids belonging to our age group living in streets, the abandoned children. Where are they supposed to be stay safe prevented from the virus? Who is there to protect them? When we are finding new talents with us there are kids who are struggling to survive through the lockdown.

Thousands are calling help lines daily and thousands are going to the bed hungry as the country shuts down to battle the pandemic. India has the largest child population of the world- 472 million children. About 40 million children from poor families are suffering.

This includes kids in the rural areas, working in farms and in urban regions the kids works as rag pickers in cities, sell balloons and pens and other knick knacks in the traffic. These kids are homeless and live by the streets and shelter under bridges. They are mostly leading an independent life.

They are unaware of this COVID-19. They are not able to reach. The charity worker cannot reach them unless they have curfew passes. Needy kids say sometimes people from organisations come and distribute food.  It is very little and we get to eat only once in two to three days. They are not even able to fetch water or firewood due to this lockdown. The great lockdown is saving life but it amplifies poverty and hunger.

This is truly a 'survival of the fittest' scenario for the kids. We have to try our level best to help them.

They are just like us! As they are from a lesser socioeconomic status it is cruel that they have to face this struggle in their life. It really haunting about the scenario after the release of lockdown and the economical crisis our country is about to face and again these kids and their families will be primarily affected. 

No one has ever become poor by giving, so let’s try our best to make life better for the needy.

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