Amidst all this Covid panic and locust attacks , another extremely disturbing news must have caught your eye about the poor man George Floyd who begged for mercy and his poor fellow humans who were mercilessly killed.

If you have no idea what we are talking about then this article is for you!


So on 25 th May , it happened that the police wanted to arrest 46 year old George Floyd for suspecting him of using a duplicate currency note.

George denied the accusation and resisted being arrested.So the most 'Sincere and Dedicated' police officer wanted to arrest him at ALL COSTS and pinned him down to the ground by pressing his knees on George's neck and handcuffing him.

Poor George couldn't breathe and screamed "please leave me, I can't breathe".
But the police officer turned a deaf ear towards George and kept suffocating him for the next 9 minutes ( may be he thought he would get a medal or something for this laudable act of killing an accused especially a BLACK AMERICAN).

And after this video surfaced the internet now people are coming forward and protesting for the rights of Black Americans even during this unfortunate pandemic period. ( If you are strong enough please do watch that video to understand the intensity of this issue).

After all George is not the first victim in the past  month. The fates of his fellow black americans Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery was much worse. But I leave those cases for you to search on the internet and witness the peak of inhumanity showed upon them.

You know why...... Its because their skin colour was Black after all. May be still people need to realise the beauty of black.

And now this has again ignited the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement.

Now you may ask me... ' Hey idu engayo america la nadakudu nanga ena pana mudyum'.....
Hate doesn't exist only towards the colour of skin or only in America my dear friend... It exists everywhere , in our everyday life.
We hate people based on their religion, caste , status , upbringing everything.
But you can be a change.

Whenever there arises a discussion connecting the spread of Covid 19 and a religious meeting, stop it then and there...Because that is an example of religious hatred. It might be true, it might be the fact, but still nothing is a worthy excuse to spread hate.
Next time you hear someone criticising people on the basis of caste stop them even if it is your own parents.Tell them caste has nothing to do with a man's HEART.
Afterall every small change is valuable.

Learn to love and not to hate. May be if we engrave this in our hearts India might be saved from becoming a nation filled with racism , casteism or religious violence.

George's last words were " Mommy I can't breathe , please help, Mommy....  ".
If this doesn't melt your heart and insist you on working towards a change then nothing ever will.



  1. It's a fabulous writing!! The author just feeled it.

  2. Was a touching one...excellent

  3. A fantastic article for the current situation.very nice .keep going.
